

Identity fraud: one of the fastest growing types of crime
Identity fraud is on the rise, as reported by the CMI, the Central Identity Theft and Error Reporting Centre for The Netherlands. There is no conclusive explanation for the huge increase in identity t…
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ID fraud on banks - do you trust your customer?
As a bank, you need to be cautious about who you do business with. Consumers and companies can cause you significant financial harm. They could scam and defraud you by taking out a loan. But the loan …
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How to protect against investment fraud?
Ever more scammers are attempting to offer fraudulent investment services. By simply using the name of an existing company, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to expose the fraudsters. FSMA, t…
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How ‘safe’ are we in online dating?
Jeremy Wright, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport in the UK, is demanding answers from apps like Tinder en Grindr. Those dating apps are ever more popular with minors. Wrigh…
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How do you win the trust of online consumers?
Dutch consumers are more prepared to share their personal data when they can recognize the benefits involved. That information was outlined in the Global Fraud and Identity Report by Experian. The rep…
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Developments in the field of identity fraud
In an earlier blog post we outlined how identity fraud is still very much a current issue. Criminals collect personal and financial information in order to purposely abuse it. Adroit marketing Service…
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How safe is our online data really?
The digital economy has taken the place of paperwork. That much is clear. Paperwork that was stored for years and years in overflowing folders and huge storage cabinets has forever been replaced by c…
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How important is it to check a work permit?
Any employer is obligated to apply for a work permit (or employment permit) for any foreign employees who don’t have free access to the job market in the Netherlands. Employers don’t alway…
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Identity fraud still a problem in 2019
Identity fraud is very much a current issue. RamBam made that painfully clear in an episode in early January. The Dutch television programme on consumer issues demonstrated that a copy of someone&rsqu…
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Checking a job applicant’s social media profiles: is it allowed?
The dust seems to have settled and most organisations have become GDPR-proof. But the new privacy rules are more complex. Have you considered checking social media profiles at all?
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