

Know who you're doing business with in times of corona!
Fraudsters noticed that the use of online communication tools increased significantly since the 1,5 meter economy and since that the inhabitation worldwide is working from home. Criminals are creative…
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Need for digital transformation in the notary industry
It’s clear that the coronavirus affects business processes in almost every industry. Therefore, The Dutch Senate approved the temporary law COVID-19 on the 21st of April. This law allows notarie…
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Amendment in law requires cryptocurrency providers to verify
The savings interest rates in Europe are moving towards 0% and this affects the financial wealth of people. In addition, the prices of the stock market have dropped sharply. Investors will look for ot…
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Autocapture new in the Secure ID Link & ID-Selfie
Covid-19 obliges us to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and to avoid contact with people as much as possible. Developments in today’s world confirm that remote verification is becoming incr…
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Remote verification is indispensable for healthcare sector
In our previous blogs, we have described what the coronavirus means for business processes in various sectors. This week we dedicate our blog to the health care sector and the fact that people are req…
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The coronavirus, Secure ID Link allows to continue your business without any physical contact
An outbreak of the coronavirus originated in China, Wuhan, in December 2019. The spread of the disease is going really fast and it has reached Europe in the shortest timeframe. Those who have been inf…
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Large number of violations of the Dutch WAV in the hospitality industry
The Dutch inspectorate SZW* performs a check on various laws and regulations at 178 hospitality companies in the Netherlands. The investigation has now been completed at 107 companies and more than ha…
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Red or blue passport as due to the Brexit?
Every passport worldwide needs to have certain similarities according to the regulations of the International passport style book. This style book contains the requirements of passports and the restri…
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What does it mean for your company or for you as a British National in the Netherlands?
The United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) reached an agreement concerning the departure of the UK from the EU. This resignation (Brexit) has consequen…
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New law concerning cryptocurrency in the Netherlands
Cryptocurrency providers are required to comply to certain protocols as due to amendments in the AML*- and CFT* legislation. De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) is going to monitor if the providers are able t…
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